Welcome to the Dex archives. I apologize for the fact that this isn't quite finished yet, but it has something to do with moving, looking for work, and, oh yeah, planning a wedding. With no money.
If you'd like to look around, you can see all the dexen I have posted by using the navigation bar below. There's one per page, and I'm sorry, but I really can't get them to load any faster.
If you want to experience the full flavor of Dex, you can start from the first one, but you have to realize two things: 1) I was in high school; 2) the paper got published once every six weeks. If we were lucky. I didn't really hit my stride until college, and first semester senior year was when Dex really began to come together.
(Give me a break; it was a weekly paper. There's only 75 strips total in this archive, spread over a period of seven years. That's right, seven years.)
You may notice that there is no "Sophomore Year" per se; "Frosh" is actually first semester freshman year and any random ones they let me do for the next three semesters. That wasn't my fault.
But wait! There's more!
Starting April 15, 2001, Dex will be returning as a daily feature on Keenspace!
Dex will return!
THE STORY OF DEX * DEX'S OLD DIGS (art and random stuff) * LINKS